Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT)

2024-11-07T12:23:26+02:00November 7th, 2024|institutional framework, policy, snippets|

[7 November 2024] The DCDT was in Parliament on 29 October 2024 to explain delays in establishing the proposed State Digital Infrastructure Company (SDIC). BBI SENTECH Merger Presentation The Portfolio Committee for Communications and Digital Technologies appeared unimpressed by the presentation, issuing its own media release calling for a re-evaluation of the process. Media Statement [...]

national radio frequency spectrum policy

2024-06-15T21:19:10+02:00June 10th, 2024|frequency, policy, snippets|

[10 June 2024] In readable form... Ellipsis Overview of the Next Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum Policy for Economic Development 2024 __ [28 May 2024] South Africa has a new national radio frequency spectrum policy. Next-Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum for Economic Development 2024 __ [25 February 2024] The Estimate of National Expenditure (ENE) for the DCDT [...]

rapid deployment of electronic communications facilities

2024-05-23T19:24:29+02:00May 23rd, 2024|access, Open for comment, policy, snippets|

| 2020 | 2015 | [23 May 2024] National Treasury has published a review of the implementation of phase 1 of Operation Vulindlela. Operation Vulindlela Phase 1 Review: Reflecting on progress on driving South Africa's economic reform programme One of the five key objectives of phase 1 was to reduce the cost and improve the quality [...]

ICT and Digital Economic Masterplan for South Africa

2024-08-09T17:27:14+02:00January 23rd, 2024|policy, snippets|

[23 January 2024] The DCDT has confirmed that the "Final Draft" of the Digitial Economy Masterplan dated 22 February 2021 is the final version of this document. Digital Economy Masterplan 22 Feb 2021v1_updated Digital Economy Masterplan Presentation The Department is currently requesting information on implementation of projects falling under the Masterplan in terms of a [...]

Broadcasting Digital Migration Policy

2023-07-06T10:24:25+02:00June 23rd, 2023|policy, snippets|

[6 July 2023] The Minister and Department of Communications and Digital Technologies provided Parliament with an update on progress in completing broadcast digital migration (BDM) and the announcement of an analogue switch off (ASO) date. BDM Progress Presentation ___ [23 June 2023] The Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies has gazetted the date/s for the [...]

Law reform: Children and pornography

2022-03-31T14:49:32+02:00March 29th, 2022|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[30 March 2022]  SALRC Report Project 107 Publication 29 March 2022 __ [4 May 2019] The Law Reform Commission has announced dates of workshops on its discussion document to be held around the country. There is to be a specific engagement with the ICT industry at the Commission's offices in Centurion on 13 June 2019. [...]

South Africa and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)

2022-03-06T17:09:13+02:00March 5th, 2022|policy, snippets, Uncategorized|

[6 March 2022] The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies updated Parliament on progress with the PC4IR Strategic Implementation Plan on 1 March 2022. Progress update on PC4IR Strategic Implementation Plan (Feb 2022) ___ [8 January 2021] Reflecting on her first 100 days in office, the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies announced the completion [...]

Digital sound broadcasting services

2021-01-22T11:42:32+02:00January 22nd, 2021|broadcasting / DTT, policy, snippets|

[22 January 2021] The public submissions in respect of the draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020 can be found below: African Media Entertainment BlueLemon Broadcom Consumer Advisory Panel DRM Consortium National Association of Broadcasters National Community Radio Forum Primedia Broadcasting Radio Pulpit SABC SADIBA SENTECH Thembeka and Associates TWR Westbury Community Development Centre Trust ___ [...]

Review of the International Telecommunications Regulations 2012

2020-08-19T08:57:36+02:00August 19th, 2020|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[19 August 2020] ICASA is seeking input with respect to the third meeting of the ITU Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITRs) scheduled to take place from 17 – 18 September 2020, which will deal with the provision by provision examination of Articles 5 – 8 and Appendix 1 of the 2012 ITRs. [...]

Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) & communications

2020-08-23T19:04:20+02:00July 26th, 2020|News, policy, snippets, universal Access|

[26 July 2020] The Minister of Public Works and Administration has gazetted additional Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPS) which include: Strategic Integrated Project No 22: Digital Infrastructure Sub-project: a. National Spatial Infrastructure Hub Strategic Integrated Project No 30: Digitising of Government Information Programme Strategic Integrated Project No 35: SA Connect Phase 1B Programme Designation of Strategic [...]

National Treasury: Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness

2019-09-09T18:04:13+02:00September 9th, 2019|policy, snippets|

[9 September 2019] National Treasury is calling for comment on a discussion document titled: "Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa". Media Statement - Economic Paper Public Comment Towards an Economic Strategy for SA Comments may be sent to by 15 September 2019. According to the accompanying media [...]

The (new) Department of Communications

2019-09-09T09:45:48+02:00September 7th, 2019|policy, snippets, Uncategorized|

[7 September 2019] The Department of Communications updated Parliament on its progress in implementing its Annual Performance Plan on 3 September 2019. DOC - 2019_20 Quarter 1 Performance Report Presentation __ [7 July 2019] The Department presented its Annual Performance Plan (APP) to the Portfolio Committee for Communications on 3 July 2019. DOC APP Presentation [...]

Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2018

2019-02-15T17:00:54+02:00February 13th, 2019|legislation, News, Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[13 February 2019] We have been provided with a copy of the letter effecting the withdrawal of the Bill. Letter to Portfolio Committee Chair 12 February 2019 The letter suggests that: the Department has already engaged with some stakeholders about this process; and we are likely to have a further policy review process prior to [...]

The iKamva National e-Skills Institute (iNeSI)

2018-11-20T11:03:27+02:00November 16th, 2018|miscellaneous, policy, snippets|

[16 November 2018] The Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services, following a number of deliberations on the Bill has recommended that the redrafted Bill be adopted by the House. The Bill has been amended to strengthen the governance and management arrangements of the Institute, and the title amended to more accurately reflect the nature [...]

SMME development in the ICT sector

2018-05-28T19:40:48+02:00May 28th, 2018|miscellaneous, policy, snippets|

[28 May 2018] The ICT SMME Development Strategy is a sector specific intervention to address challenges facing SMMEs operating in the ICT sector. It sets the policy context and defines the vision for the development of the ICT SMMEs in South Africa up to 2020, and outlines the support mechanisms required to realise this vision. [...]

National e-Strategy

2017-12-12T18:43:32+02:00November 10th, 2017|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[11 November 2017] The finalised National e-Strategy Digital Society South Africa has been published in the Government Gazette: National e-Strategy Digital Society South Africa __ [10 April 2017] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services has published for comment a draft National e-Strategy under section 5{3) of the Electronic Communications and Transaction Act of 2002. [...]

National e-Government Strategy: Digitizing government services

2017-12-12T18:46:25+02:00November 10th, 2017|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[10 November 2017] The finalised National e-Government Strategy and Roadmap has been published in the Government Gazette: National e-Government Strategy and Roadmap __ [11 April 2017] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services has published for comment a draft National e-Government Strategy under section 5(3) of the Electronic Communications and Transaction Act of 2002. Draft [...]

National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper

2018-03-28T11:13:01+02:00October 21st, 2017|policy, snippets|

[17 November 2017] The Electronic Communications Amendment Bill - a major instrument through which the White Paper is to be implemented was published for public comment on 17 November 2017.  Updates __ [21 October 2017] The Minister and the Department presented their plans to introduce legislation into Parliament to further the implementation of aspects of the ICT [...]

Internet for All Initiative

2017-07-16T16:15:40+02:00July 14th, 2017|policy, snippets|

[14 July 2017] The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services has published a concept document which provides an overview of the South Africa Internet for All programme. The initiative sees government partner with the World Economic Forum and their global Internet for All project, which aims to accelerate access to the 4 billion people globally [...]

BEE ICT Sector Code

2017-02-21T13:25:16+02:00January 30th, 2017|News, Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[30 January 2017]  The B-BBEE ICT Sector Council presented on its progress in implementing the ICT Sector Code to the Portfolio Committee for Telecommunications and Postal Services on 24 January 2017. The Council noted that – since it was established in September 2015 – it has: Consulted with the ICT Industry as part of the [...]

New political arrangement: Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services + Department of Communications

2017-05-10T12:04:10+02:00August 12th, 2016|ICASA, policy, snippets|

[12 August 2016] One of the annexures in the court papers filed by the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services against ICASA as regards the Invitation to Apply published by the latter, is the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the Minister of Communications and the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services setting out the basis [...]

African broadband policies

2017-03-03T12:44:10+02:00July 29th, 2016|policy, snippets|

[30 July 2016] Below is a set of links to ICT, Broadband and related policies adopted or in the process of being adopted by African governments. This is not a complete list (particularly as regards Francophone Africa) and we will work on building it up. Algeria Angola Botswana Cameroon Egypt (ICT Policy) Egypt (Broadband Policy) Ethiopia [...]

Regulation of OTT services / Net Neutrality in South Africa

2017-03-03T12:45:26+02:00March 16th, 2016|policy, snippets|

[16 March 2016] We have obtained a copy of the final report of the Portfolio Committee for Telecommunications and Postal Services on the discussion of possible regulation of OTTs hosted by the Committee on 26 January 2016. 20160308 PCTPS Final Report on OTTs It is noteworthy that the report is more in the form of [...]

Joint Launch of the Gender and ICT Strategy & Children and ICT Strategy

2017-03-03T12:48:48+02:00October 18th, 2015|policy, snippets|

[18 October 2015] We have a copy of what we are informed is the final version of the Children’s Empowerment & Information Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy referred to below. Final Draft Children Strategy July 2014 The word draft appears in the title and is watermarked in the document so we will try and find a more [...]

National ICT Consultative Forum

2017-03-03T12:51:19+02:00August 3rd, 2015|policy, snippets|

[3 August 2015] Nothing like a whiny post on an obscure blog to spur action :) Invitations have been despatched for follow-up meetings to the launch event and it looks like this initiative will live again come 17 August 2015. ___ [27 July 2015] Just noting for the record that nothing further has happened regarding [...]

ICT Policy Review Process

2017-03-03T12:56:31+02:00May 5th, 2015|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[5 May 2015] The ICT Panel of Experts has handed over its final report to the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Siyabonga Cwele. The Minister has indicated that he anticipates that the review process will be finalised this year. Executive Summary National Integrated ICT Policy Review Report March 2015 National Integrated ICT Policy [...]

DoC Broadcasting Policy Review

2017-03-03T12:58:38+02:00December 1st, 2014|broadcasting / DTT, Open for comment, policy, snippets, Uncategorized|

[1 December 2014] The deadline for submissions has been extended to 16 January 2015. Notice on DoC website ___ [13 November 2014]  The Department of Communications has called for written proposals on a new review of existing broadcasting policy. Call for Written Proposals on Broadcasting Policy Review November 2014 Minister's Statement on the Broadcasting Policy [...]

2014 Budget Vote on Communications

2017-03-03T12:58:14+02:00July 20th, 2014|policy, snippets|

[20 July 2014] Joint report of the Portfolio Committees on Communications and on Telecommunications and Postal Services on their deliberations on Budget Vote 27: Communications, and entities of the Department of Communications, dated 11 July 2014 Address by the Honourable Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Dr Siyabonga Cwele on the occasion of the Budget Vote [...]

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