[11 November 2017] The finalised National e-Strategy Digital Society South Africa has been published in the Government Gazette:
National e-Strategy Digital Society South Africa
[10 April 2017] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services has published for comment a draft National e-Strategy under section 5{3) of the Electronic Communications and Transaction Act of 2002.
Comments on the draft are due by 25 May 2017 and should be submitted to for the attention of Ms Angie Mokgabudi, Chief Director: ISAD Coordination Information Society Development and Research per email at estrategy@dtps.gov.za.
The draft Strategy has the following vision, mission and strategic objectives:
Vision: Making Technology Work for South African citizens and building a digital future for all South Africa possesses the latest technological know-how and have extensive innovative ICT technologies and systems deployed in some pockets of national life. The overall task is to harness the existing technological base and direct it to providing solutions to the critical societal challenges and problems. Technology must be harnessed to serve the people and help offer solutions to real needs.
Mission: To develop a people centric caring knowledge based society, transforming the South African society and the economy based on access and utilization of modern information communications technologies.
Strategic objectives: in the short-to-medium term the final Strategy will seek to:
- Develop and implement a comprehensive e- government strategy
- Develop and implement E-strategy Sectoral Plans
- Fast-track the roll-out of broadband infrastructure to build smart digital communities
- Develop a Cybersecurity programme to safeguard the networks, platforms, mission critical systems
- Develop frameworks for e-commerce, m-transactions and electronic payments
- Increase the contributions of ICTs in the national economy and supporting SMMEs, South African software and hardware businesses