| 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |

[16 May 2024] ICASA has published the final radio frequency spectrum assignment plan (RFSAP) for the IMT2300 band (2 300 – 2 400 MHz).

Final RFSAP 2300 – 2400 MHz 16 May 2024

There is 40 MHz of TDD spectrum available for the provision of IMT services in this band (2360 – 2400 MHz), with the balance of 60 MHz held by Telkom.


[4 August 2023] ICASA has published the following final RFSAPs:


[4 May 2023] ICASA has published the following final RFSAPs:

Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 450 MHz to 470 MHz
Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 825 MHz to 830 MHz and 870 MHz to 875 MHz
Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 1427 MHz to 1518 MHz


[14 March 2023] ICASA has published written submissions made in respect of the second round of comments for three of the ten RFSAPs published in March 2022.


[22 February 2023] ICASA has published a second round of comments for three of the ten RFSAPs published in March 2022 following stakeholder submissions.

Written submissions are due by 16h00 on Monday 6 March 2023 and may be emailed to Mr Manyaapelo Richard Makgotlho by email at rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za (cc: jdikgale@icasa.org.za).

Second draft RFSAP 450 MHz to 470 MHz
Second draft RFSAP 825 MHz to 830 MHz and 870 MHz to 875 MHz
Second draft RFSAP 1427 MHz to 1518 MHz


[6 February 2023] ICASA has published written submissions made in respect of the draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plans of November 2022:


[28 November 2022] ICASA has published eight draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plans (RFSAPs) for comment:

Written submissions in respect of all of the above are due by 16h00 on Friday 13 January 2023 and may be emailed to Mr Manyaapelo Richard Makgotlho by email at rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za (cc: jdikgale@icasa.org.za).


[1 September 2022] ICASA has published written submissions made in respect of the draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plans of March 2022:


[5 April 2022] ICASA has published ten draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plans (RFSAPs) for comment:

Written submissions in respect of all of the above are due by 16h00 on Friday 20 May 2022 and may be emailed to Mr Manyaapelo Richard Makgotlho by email at rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za (cc: jdikgale@icasa.org.za).

Each draft indicates the intention of ICASA that the bands be allocated to IMT services and sets out channelling plan; implementation provisions; and the procedure for radio frequency migration.


[20 December 2022]


[22 May 2020] ICASA have published the following final RFSAPs:

Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the frequency band 2500 to 2690 MHz

Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the frequency band 470 to 694 MHz

ICASA Media Release: Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the 470 to 694 MHz Frequency Band


[31 January 2020] ICASA has published a draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plan for the band 2500 to 2690 MHz for public comment.

Comments are due by 16h00 on 13 March 2020 and may be submitted to rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za.

Draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the frequency band 2500 to 2690 MHz


[28 January 2020] The date for submissions on the draft RFSAP for the band 470 – 694 MHz has been extended to 16h00 on 14 February 2020.

Extension of closing date of the draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for frequency band 470 to 694 MHz consultation


[8 December 2019] ICASA has published a draft radio frequency spectrum assignment plan for the band 470 – 694 MHz for public comment.

Draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the frequency band 470 to 694 MHz

Comments are due by 16h00 on 31 January 2020 and may be submitted to rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za.


[3 April 2019] ICASA have finalised a radio frequency spectrum assignment plan setting out the rules for services operating in the frequency band from 825 – 830 MHz and 870 – 875 MHz.

Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 825 to 830 MHz and 870 to 875 MHz


[18 March 2019] ICASA’s industrious spectrum people have published two more final RFSAPs:

Notice regarding the Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the Frequency Band 1518 to 1525 MHz

Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan for the frequency band 75.2 to 87.5 MHz


[16 February 2019] ICASA has published a final Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan in respect of the 2025 – 2110 MHz paired with 2200 -2285 MHz band:

Radio frequency spectrum assignment plan for frequency band 2025 to 2110 MHz paired with 2200 to 2285 MHz

ICASA has also published a Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan in respect of the 440 – 441 MHz band:

Radio frequency spectrum assignment plan for Frequency Band 440 to 441 MHz

Both documents are for some reason labelled as drafts for public comment but both are final outcomes of processes undertaken (see below for links to antecedent documents).


[6 October 2017] ICASA has published draft Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plans in respect of the below bands for public comment:

Draft RFSAP for Band 75.2 to 87.5 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 138 to 143.6 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 150.5 to 153 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 380 to 400 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 440 to 441 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 1518 to 1525 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 2200 to 2285 MHz 6 October 2017

Draft RFSAP for Band 2285 to 2300 MHz 6 October 2017

Written submissions should be marked for the attention of Mr Manyaapelo Richard Makgotlho , rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za. The deadline for comment is 16h00 on 1 December 2017, except for the Draft RFSAP for 72.5 to 87.5 MHz, where comments are due by 27 October 2017.

An RFSAP, once finalised, sets out the categories of use which may be made of spectrum in a band and the technical parameters applicable.