[30 January 2017] The B-BBEE ICT Sector Council presented on its progress in implementing the ICT Sector Code to the Portfolio Committee for Telecommunications and Postal Services on 24 January 2017. The Council noted that – since it was established in September 2015 – it has:
- Consulted with the ICT Industry as part of the process to Amend the Sector Code
- Subsequently finalized the Amended Sector Code which was published in the Government Gazette on 7 November 2016
- Completed the Interim Sector Monitoring Report
- Interacted with various stakeholder to provide guidance on the implementation of the Amended Sector Code which took effect from the date of publication
B-BBEE ICT Sector Council Presentation to TPS Portfolio Committee 24 January 2017
[14 November 2016] A final, amended version of the Codes of good practice for the Information and Communications Technology Sector under the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act was gazetted and came into force on 7 November 2016.
Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act: Codes of good practice: ICT sector November-2016
[26 October 2016] The B-BBEE ICT Sector Council will be officially launched at the Gallagher Convention Centre on 8 November 2016.
[30 October 2015] The B-BBEE ICT Sector Council (established on the 23rd of September 2015) is mandated to implement and monitor B-BBEE in the ICT Sector and it has undertaken the task of aligning the existing B-BBEE ICT Sector Code with the revised Generic B-BBEE Code of Good Practise. The Department of Trade and Industry (dTi) requires this process to be completed by the end of October 2015 (failing which the sector will revert to using the generic codes).
The Council has prepared a draft aligned B-BBEE ICT Sector Code which is to be published in the Government Gazette after which there will be a 60 day period for submissions by interested parties.
Draft Aligned ICT Sector Code 27 October 2015
ICT Sector Council Media Statement 20151025
Note that this is not the gazetted version and therefore the 60 day period has not commenced yet.
The ICT Sector Code will be subjected to a comprehensive review by the end of the current financial year.
[6 June 2012] The B-BBEE ICT Sector Code has been gazetted.
BB-BEE ICT Sector Code June 2012
Key features include the following:
- The ICT sector has set a black ownership target of 30% to be achieved by entities in the sector.
- There is a set target of 5% Net Profit After Tax to be spend on enterprise development initiatives aimed at growing and developing black owned ICT enterprises.
- Spend of 1.5% of Net Profit After Tax on Socio Economic Development Initiatives to improve the lives of communities through programmes such as ICT’s in education, and health. The ultimate goal is to bridge the digital divide in the country
[24 June 2011] The Department of Trade and Industry has – after a gestation period of some 8 years – published for public comment a draft ICT Sector Code intended to accelerate the transformation of the ICT industry in South Africa.
Comments are due by 10 August 2011.