[6 March 2022] The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies updated Parliament on progress with the PC4IR Strategic Implementation Plan on 1 March 2022.

Progress update on PC4IR Strategic Implementation Plan (Feb 2022)


[8 January 2021] Reflecting on her first 100 days in office, the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies announced the completion of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework for South Africa as part of the AI Blueprint for Africa, a generic AI toolkit intended to ensure that all African countries build national capacity and capabilities.

AI Blueprint for Africa 2021

[23 October 2020] The report of the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (PC4IR) has been gazetted.___

Report of the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution


[18 July 2020] The National Planning Commission has released a Draft Paper – “Digital Futures: South Africa’s readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution” for public comment.

Digital Futures SA’s readiness for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (6 July 2020)

The deadline for written submissions is 27 July 2020 and these can sent to Mr Ashraf Kariem at ashraf@dpme.gov.za.


[9 April 2019] The Minister of Communications has published the final terms of reference of the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well as the names of the first set of appointees to the Commission.

Terms of Reference Presidential Commission on 4IR and initial appointees


[6 December 2018] Interested parties are invited to nominate candidates to be considered for appointment to the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), as announced in the 2018 State of the Nation Address (then ‘the Digital Industrial Revolution Commission’).

Call for Nominations Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Concept Document – Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Terms of Reference – Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The purpose of the Commission is to coordinate the development of South Africa’s national response action plan to deal with the 4IR. As part of this effort the Commission will identify policies, strategies and plans that are needed to position South Africa as a leading country in the evolution and development of the 4IR.

The Commission is intended to be comprised of representatives from a wide cross-section of stakeholders, including, but not limited to: the public sector, business, academia and research institutions, relevant experts, SMMEs, youth, women and NGOs.

Nominations are to be submitted to the Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services by 10 December 2018, for the attention of the Director-General of Telecommunications, addressed to Mr. Alfred Mashishi per email 4IRnominations@dtps.gov.za. Further details of this process and its requirements, as well as the Terms of Reference and Concept Document can be found in the link above: