[18 October 2015] We have a copy of what we are informed is the final version of the Children’s Empowerment & Information Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy referred to below.
Final Draft Children Strategy July 2014
The word draft appears in the title and is watermarked in the document so we will try and find a more final final version….
[16 August 2015] The DTPS is hosting the launch of two new strategies on the 19th August 2015:
The Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DTPS) proudly invites you to the Joint Launch of the Gender and ICT Strategy as well as the Children and ICT Strategy. These two strategies were widely consulted upon by the then Department of Communications. The Gender and ICT Strategy seeks to empower women so as to enable them to enter, participate and compete in ICT sector. The Children and ICT Strategy seeks to harness the benefits of ICTs for children’s empowerment and their protection whilst interacting with ICT content, products, services on different ICT platforms.
The details of the launch are as follows;
Date: 19 August 2015
Time: 09h00-13h30
Venue: Golden Horse Casino, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal