ICT sector data collection

2024-11-05T23:00:18+02:00November 5th, 2024|miscellaneous, snippets|

[5 November 2024] ICASA has initiated the process for collecting the data for the 2024 State of the ICT Sector Report, covering the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024. ICASA Indicators Telecommunication Licensee Questionnaire 2024 Letter to Stakeholders State of the ICT Sector Questionnaire Statistics 2024 The timelines involved are as follows: [...]

dealing with WASP subscription services

2024-06-17T20:21:39+02:00June 17th, 2024|miscellaneous, snippets|

[17 June 2024] mybroadband.co.za has published updated advice on blocking WASP or content services on your handset: Vodacom SMS Send an SMS containing “STOP ALL” to 31050: If you are subscribed to WASP services, you should receive a response indicating that your request to unsubscribe has been received. You should then receive messages confirming that [...]

Electronic Services Regulations under the Value-Added Tax Act

2022-01-03T16:16:28+02:00January 3rd, 2022|miscellaneous, snippets|

[3 January 2022] On 10 December 2021 the South African Revenue Service (SARS) published a public notice prescribing the particulars that must be included in a tax invoice where there is a supply of electronic services. VAT Act Particulars that tax invoice must contain if supply by a vendor relates to electronic services ___ [18 [...]

ICTs for people with disabilities

2021-04-09T12:02:27+02:00April 9th, 2021|Consumer Protection, licensing, miscellaneous, Open for comment, snippets|

[9 April 2021] ICASA has published the final Code for Persons with Disabilities Regulations, 2021 which will come into force 18 months from the date of publication in the Gazette (10 October 2022). Code for Persons with Disabilities Regulations, 2021 Code for Persons with Disabilities Regulations, 2021 - Reasons Document ___ [24 July 2020] ICASA [...]

The iKamva National e-Skills Institute (iNeSI)

2018-11-20T11:03:27+02:00November 16th, 2018|miscellaneous, policy, snippets|

[16 November 2018] The Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services, following a number of deliberations on the Bill has recommended that the redrafted Bill be adopted by the House. The Bill has been amended to strengthen the governance and management arrangements of the Institute, and the title amended to more accurately reflect the nature [...]

National Gambling Act & ISPs

2018-09-02T22:47:51+02:00September 1st, 2018|miscellaneous, snippets|

[2 September 2018] The National Gambling Amendment Bill [B27-2018] was introduced into the Portfolio Committee for Trade and Industry on 21 August 2018. Of interest to Internet service providers and related industries are two new proposed provisions to be inserted into the National Gambling Act: Proposed subsection 8(4) sets out a prohibition on “a person” providing [...]

SMME development in the ICT sector

2018-05-28T19:40:48+02:00May 28th, 2018|miscellaneous, policy, snippets|

[28 May 2018] The ICT SMME Development Strategy is a sector specific intervention to address challenges facing SMMEs operating in the ICT sector. It sets the policy context and defines the vision for the development of the ICT SMMEs in South Africa up to 2020, and outlines the support mechanisms required to realise this vision. [...]

Domain Name Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations

2017-11-10T19:17:23+02:00November 10th, 2017|miscellaneous, snippets|

[10 November 2017] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services has published further, extensive amendments to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations. ECTA Regulations - Alternative Dispute Resolution - Amendment __ [12 December 2015] This proposed amendment has now been effected. Amendment of Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations Regulation 2 of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations issued [...]

State of play: Broadband Infraco

2019-07-29T23:52:21+02:00October 15th, 2016|miscellaneous, snippets|

[15 October 2016] As presented to the Portfolio Committee for Telecommunications and Postal Services on 13 October 2016. Broadband Infraco Annual Report 2015/16 Presentation of Broadband Infraco Annual Report 2015/16 __ [3 October 2015] Presentations made to the Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services indicate that some form of intervention by its shareholders - [...]

Telecoms structures in proximity to runways

2016-05-18T21:06:36+02:00May 18th, 2016|miscellaneous, snippets|

[18 May 2016] The South African Civil Aviation Authority (“SACAA”) maintain a database of obstacles in proximity to runways, and have a set of guidelines and regulations governing this area. Should a service provider need to erect such a structure there is a relevant application form for the approval of obstacles, which can be completed [...]

Review of Regulation on South African Local Content: Television and Radio

2015-09-30T11:01:53+02:00September 30th, 2015|broadcasting / DTT, miscellaneous, snippets|

[30 September 2015] Notice has been given of public hearings to be held regarding the Position Paper and Draft Regulations on South African Local Content: Television and Radio (see lower on for links). The hearings are scheduled for 1 and 2 October 2015. Notice of Public Hearings - Dates and Agenda ICASA Is Convening Public [...]

Copyright Amendment Bill 2015

2020-06-23T15:10:19+02:00August 10th, 2015|miscellaneous, snippets|

[16 June 2020] The President of the Republic has returned the Copyright Amendment Bill [B13B-2017] and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill [B24B-2016] to the National Assembly for consideration of the President’s reservations about their constitutionality. President Letter to Parliament re Copyright Amendment Bill 16 June 2020 ___ [10 August 2015] The Department of Trade and [...]

e-Health: Establishment of Ministerial Advisory Committee

2015-07-24T12:33:00+02:00July 24th, 2015|miscellaneous, snippets|

[25 July 2015] The Minister of health has gazetted a Notice establishing a Ministerial Advisory Committee on e-Health and setting out its composition, functions, working procedure and the remuneration and allowances payable to its members. Establishment of Ministerial Advisory Committee on e-Health The Notice specifies the following definition of "e-Health": "e- Health" means the combined [...]

Invitation to nominate members of the ICT B-BBEE Charter Council

2014-11-16T16:49:38+02:00November 10th, 2014|miscellaneous, snippets|

[10 November 2014] We are informed that the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services handed over the doc.gov.za domain to the new Department of Communications effective 7 November 2014. Nominations should accordingly be sent to eadom@dtps.gov.za / zsibiya@dtps.gov.za. __ [3 November 2014] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services has invited the public to submit nominations for members [...]

ICASA Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting Transmission Services

2014-10-08T10:33:43+02:00October 8th, 2014|competition, miscellaneous, snippets|

[8 October 2014] ICASA has withdrawn the Findings Document published in GG 36537  on 7 June 2013.  No reasons for the withdrawal have been advanced. Withdrawal Findings Document Broadcasting Transmission Services 3 October 2014 __ [10 June 2013] ICASA has published its Findings Document to close off its Inquiry into Broadcasting Transmission Services. Findings Document [...]

Inquiry Prescribed Form Regulations 2014

2014-09-26T15:57:32+02:00September 26th, 2014|miscellaneous, Open for comment, snippets|

[26 September 2014] ICASA has published draft Inquiry Prescribed Form Regulations for comment.  Catchy title aside, the intention of the draft regulations is simply to prescribe the form which ICASA can use if it requires any person to provide information or to appear before it during the conduct of an inquiry under section 4B of [...]

Reporting cybercrime in SA

2014-06-30T09:02:56+02:00June 30th, 2014|miscellaneous, snippets|

[29 June 2014] Here is some simple advice on lodging a criminal complaint with SAPS if you are the victim of a cybercrime. Depending on which station you are reporting to you may have wildly-contrasting experiences - remember that patience and politeness are the most likely strategies to advance your own interests. Suggested process Draft as [...]

WITS to host Colloquium on Cybersecurity in the Public Sector

2014-03-16T17:32:01+02:00March 16th, 2014|miscellaneous, snippets|

[16 March 2014] The University of the Witwatersrand, with the support and sponsorship of Microsoft SA, is hosting a national Colloquium on Cybersecurity in the Public Sector. This is intended to be a national discussion where pertinent government decision-makers, academics from Wits and other universities, and a number of prominent private sector participants will deliberate on the [...]

Content regulation in a digitally-converged environment

2013-06-25T18:00:56+02:00June 25th, 2013|miscellaneous, News, snippets|

[25 June 2013] The Final Report in ICASA's Review of the Broadcasting Regulatory Framework towards a Digitally Converged Environment was published on 25 June 2013. The Conclusions section is set out below: Final Report on Review of Broadcasting Regulatory Framework June 2013 ___ 5 PART D: CONCLUSION 5.1 This broadcasting regulatory review process has resulted in [...]

Consumer Protection Act compliance for ISPs

2012-06-27T07:41:06+02:00June 27th, 2012|Consumer Affairs, miscellaneous, snippets|

The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) applies to ISPs, and if an ISP’s contracts or its processes do not comply with the CPA’s rather onerous provisions, this can have painful consequences. Annoyingly, the CPA will apply to an ISP’s smaller clients, but most of it will not apply to corporate clients. If an ISP wishes to [...]

New Telkom form for PBX connections

2011-06-25T13:38:36+02:00June 25th, 2011|miscellaneous, newsletters, snippets|

There has been confusion for a long time as to whether or not a Line Maintenance Organisation (LMO) licence was required in order for an entity to connect a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) to Telkom's telecommunications network. Telkom's insistence on the production of an LMO licence prior to the installation of a software-based PBX taking [...]

Handset Subsidy Regulations – Implementation postponed

2011-05-10T20:24:33+02:00August 17th, 2008|miscellaneous, snippets|

ICASA recently released Handset Regulations governing primarily the relationship between cellular providers and their subscribers. The regulations were to come into force on 18 August 2008 but this date has been postponed after Vodacom indicated they would apply for an interdict preventing the implementation of the regulations - ICASA Media Release (ICASA website). Vodacom denied [...]

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