call termination regulations

2024-12-12T11:42:35+02:00December 9th, 2024|competition, snippets|

[9 December 2024] ICASA has finalised further amendments to the Call Termination Regulations 2014, which will come into effect on 1 July 2025. Call Termination Amendment Regulations 2024 Reasons document and Authority’s analysis of stakeholder comments on the amendment of the Call Termination Regulations __ [4 June 2024] Public hearings into ICASA's proposed amendments to [...]

mobile broadband services regulations 2021

2024-07-14T17:15:21+02:00July 14th, 2024|competition, cost to communicate, ICASA, snippets|

| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | [14 July 2024] ICASA has finalised its process to amend the Mobile Broadband Services Regulations 2021. Mobile Broadband Services Amendment Regulations 2024 ___ [15 January 2024] Communications regulator ICASA has published draft amendments to the Mobile Broadband Services Regulations 2021. Draft amendment to the mobile [...]


2024-05-11T21:06:23+02:00May 11th, 2024|competition, Consumer Protection, frequency, ICASA, licensing, News, snippets|

[11 May 2024] ICASA's Annual Performance Plan for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 has been made available. ICASA Annual Performance Plan 2024-25 Financial Year ___ [13 April 2024] ICASA has published the State of the ICT Sector Report 2024. The State of the ICT Sector Report 31 March 2024 ___ [...]

electronic communications licensees and loadshedding

2024-02-19T12:38:38+02:00February 19th, 2024|competition, Open for comment, snippets|

[19 February 2024] ICASA has extended its call for submissions from industry on how the regulator can use its powers to alleviate service provisions challenges arising from the ongoing energy supply constraint. Presumably there was a limited initial response. ICASA Loadshedding Inquiry re-opening of period for submissions 16 February 2024 The deadline for written submissions [...]

competition commission inquiry into the media and digital platforms market

2024-02-20T13:32:09+02:00February 17th, 2024|competition, snippets|

[17 October 2023] The Statement of Issues for this Inquiry has been published, which can be found below along with the administrative timetable for how and when the process will unfold. Media and Digital Platforms Market Inquiry: Statement of Issues Activity Timelines Status Publication of Final Terms of Reference 15 September 2023 Completed [...]

Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2022

2023-08-04T08:37:00+02:00August 4th, 2023|competition, cost to communicate, electronic communications infrastructure, ICASA, legislation, News, snippets|

[4 August 2023] The deadline for comments on the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill, 2022 has been extended to 31 August 2023. Notice of extension ___ [23 June 2023] The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) has published draft amendments to the Electronic Communications Act (ECA) for public comment. Invitation to provide written comments on [...]

Competition Commission Inquiry into Online Intermediation Platforms

2023-07-31T15:19:02+02:00July 31st, 2023|competition, snippets, Uncategorized|

| 2021 | [31 July 2023] The Competition Commission has published the final Online Intermediary Platform Market Inquiry (OIPMI) Report: Final Report and Decision Summary of final report findings and remedial actions annexure 1: google search, shopping and travel annexure 2: travel and accommodation annexure 3: e-commerce annexure 4: software application stores annexure 5: online [...]

Electronic communications facilities leasing

2022-11-14T09:55:32+02:00November 14th, 2022|access, competition, snippets|

[14 November 2022] ICASA has released its judgements in facilities leasing disputes raised by Telkom against other fibre network operators accused of using Telkom infrastructure to deploy their own networks without entering into a facilities leasing agreement with Telkom. Telkom vs Octotel Telkom vs Metro Fibre Networx ___ [22 August 2020] The High Court has [...]

Competition Commission Inquiry into Data Services Market

2020-12-04T14:10:52+02:00December 4th, 2020|competition, snippets|

[4 December 2020] The Commission has amended the timelines for implementation of certain of the recommendations set out in the final report on its Data Services Market Inquiry. Competition Commission Data Services Market Inquiry Amendment to recommendations timelines The extensions are as follows: The recommendation for legislative changes to be effected to the ECA by [...]

Competition in the digital economy

2020-11-05T23:59:48+02:00November 5th, 2020|competition, Open for comment, snippets|

[5 November 2020] The final report was published on 2 November 2020. Competition in the Digital Economy Report ___ [26 September 2020] The deadline for comments has been extended to 30 October 2020. ___ [25 September 2020] What is this document about? In order to harness the promised benefits of digitisation South Africa must create [...]

ICASA and the Competition Commission

2019-09-08T22:14:29+02:00September 8th, 2019|competition, snippets|

[8 September 2019] ICASA and the Competition Commission have updated the memorandum of understanding which governs how they interact with each other in ensuring effective competition in electronic communications markets. MOU Competition Commission ICASA September 2019 ____

Competition Amendment Bill 2017

2019-07-15T09:35:27+02:00July 15th, 2019|competition, snippets|

[15 July 2019] The President has proclaimed the commencement date of a number of procedural provisions of the Competition Amendment Act by way of a notice published in the Government Gazette on 12 July 2019. Commencement of certain provisions of the Competition Amendment Act 18 of 2018 (12 July 2019) The balance of provisions - [...]

Inquiry into competition in subscription television broadcasting services

2019-06-07T14:01:12+02:00June 7th, 2019|broadcasting / DTT, competition, ICASA, snippets|

[7 June 2019] ICASA has extended the deadline for comments on the draft findings in respect of the Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services, previously 21 June to 27 August 2019, after acceding to a request by a stakeholder for additional information underpinning the draft findings. Extension Notice ___ [17 April 2019] ICASA has published [...]

ICASA’s Cost to Communicate Programme

2019-03-17T17:41:49+02:00March 17th, 2019|competition, snippets|

[15 March 2019] Below is a link to ICASA's latest presentation in Parliament on its progress in lowering the cost to communicate: ICASA Presentation on Cost to Communicate 26 February 2019 There are currently four central components to ICASA’s efforts: Reductions to call termination rates: new glide path into effect from 1 October 2018, valid [...]

ICASA Inquiry to identify priority markets in the electronic communications sector

2018-08-20T09:31:51+02:00August 17th, 2018|competition, snippets|

[17 August 2018] ICASA has finalised its Inquiry into Priority Markets, having identified the following markets (in no particular order of importance) that have been prioritised for potential market reviews: Wholesale fixed access, which includes wholesale supply of asymmetric broadband origination, fixed access services and relevant facilities. Upstream infrastructure markets incorporating national transmission services and [...]

Portfolio Committee hearings on Cost to Communicate

2017-11-05T13:28:02+02:00November 5th, 2017|competition, Consumer Affairs, snippets|

[5 November 2017] The DTPS presented on the cost to communicate before the Telecommunications and Postal Services Portfolio Committee on 31 December 2017. A presentation on data pricing trends was also made by Research ICT Africa. DTPS presentation on Cost to Communicate 31 October 2017 Research ICT Africa presentation on Cost to Communicate 31 October 2017 [...]

Vodacom acquisition of Neotel

2017-04-11T15:36:14+02:00April 11th, 2017|competition, snippets|

[11 April 2017] We have obtained a copy of the judgement of the Supreme Court of Appeal, which confirms that the appeal lodged by Neotel was dismissed on a legal technicality. Judgment - Neotel (Pty) Ltd v Telkom SOC others __ [20 March 2017] The Supreme Court of Appeal has declined Neotel's appeal. The finding [...]

Inquiry into infrastructure sharing

2016-04-03T16:17:21+02:00March 31st, 2016|competition, snippets|

[31 March 2016] Moving with laudable speed, ICASA has published a Findings Document on the Regulatory Framework on Electronic Communications Infrastructure: Findings Document Regulatory Framework on Electronic Communications Infrastructure The regulator has concluded that infrastructure sharing is already accommodated under the existing Facilities Leasing Regulations 2010, with greater attention to be paid to the enforcement of [...]

ICASA Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting Transmission Services

2014-10-08T10:33:43+02:00October 8th, 2014|competition, miscellaneous, snippets|

[8 October 2014] ICASA has withdrawn the Findings Document published in GG 36537  on 7 June 2013.  No reasons for the withdrawal have been advanced. Withdrawal Findings Document Broadcasting Transmission Services 3 October 2014 __ [10 June 2013] ICASA has published its Findings Document to close off its Inquiry into Broadcasting Transmission Services. Findings Document [...]

ICASA inquiry into the state of competition in the SA ICT sector

2014-09-13T21:02:11+02:00September 13th, 2014|competition, snippets|

[13 September 2014] ICASA has announced that it will conduct public hearings in connection with submissions received from 1 -3 September 2014. Notice of public hearings Press release: ICASA Convenes Oral Hearings On The State Of Competition Into The ICT Sector __ [11 August 2014] Summary of responses made with regard to Net Neutrality __ [25 July [...]

ICASA to hold SMS termination rate workshop

2014-01-15T11:20:55+02:00January 15th, 2014|competition, snippets|

[15 January 2014] The workshop will be held at ICASA on Friday 24 January 2014. ___ [12 January 2014] In a letter to interested parties ICASA noted that it had received a number of Interconnection Agreements from licensees which sought to introduce a termination rate for “Commercial Short Messages” and that this is a significant [...]

ICASA ICT Statistics Questionnaire

2013-08-21T10:16:19+02:00August 21st, 2013|competition, snippets, Uncategorized|

[21 August 2013] ICASA have released a questionnaire designed to collect information from licensees for the purpos developing an up-to-date set of "Status of the Sector" reports preparing for upcoming market reviews into the effectiveness of competition in the ICT sector meeting SA's reporting obligations to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Licensees are required to [...]

Call Termination Questionnaire June/July 2013

2013-07-17T08:04:10+02:00July 17th, 2013|competition, ICASA, snippets|

[17 July 2013] ICASA issued a media release today which (a) extends the deadline for submission of responses to the Call Termination Market Review questionnaire & (b) effects some amendments to the questionnaire. The new deadline for responses to the Call Termination questionnaire is 2 August 2013. The questionnaire has been amended as follows: Information [...]

Broadband Value Chain Request for Information

2013-07-17T07:35:45+02:00July 17th, 2013|competition, snippets|

[17 July 2013] The extension of the deadline to 29 July 2013 is now official as per an ICASA media release issued this morning. Media Release on revised timelines and amended questionnaire for the Call Termination Market Review (.doc) ___ [15 July 2013] ICASA have provided us with a verbal indication that the deadline for responses [...]

ICASA releases Findings on Local Loop Unbundling Framework

2017-03-02T16:15:06+02:00November 30th, 2011|competition, ICASA, News, snippets|

ICASA has released their findings on the recently ended Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) hearings. In general the outcome of the process is disappointing and seems to be in the form of meeting obstacles to LLU raised by Telkom as opposed to using the available tools to achieve LLU. Given the expectations of the industry after [...]

ICASA LLU Discussion Document

2017-03-02T12:00:03+02:00September 20th, 2011|access, competition, snippets|

[September 2011] Below are links to the various submissions made by interested parties in response to the LLU discussion document. Broadband Infraco Cell C Commercial Workers' Union (CWU) Internet Solutions ISPA MTN MWEB MyBroadband Neotel Paul Hjul South African Communications Union (SACU) Telkom Covering Letter, Telkom, Telkom Annexure A Vodacom [June 2011] LLU creaks back [...]

Defining markets under Chapter 10 of the ECA

2011-06-26T10:09:17+02:00June 26th, 2011|competition, Open for comment, snippets|

In the Discussion Document on a Regulatory Framework for Broadcasting Transmission Services, ICASA has set out the methodology for defining markets for competitive reviews undertaken in terms of Chapter 10 of the Electronic Communications Act of 2005. Defining the relevant market is a critical first step in addressing market failure under the Act. The text [...]

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