ICASA Consumer Advisory Panel

2023-07-14T16:10:32+02:00July 14th, 2023|Consumer Affairs, snippets|

[14 July 2023] ICASA has published the Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2023 which repeals the Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2017. Links to the Regulations and Reasons Document can be found below. Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2023 Consumer Advisory Panel Regulations, 2023 - Reasons Document ___ [14 November 2022] ICASA has published draft Consumer Advisory Panel [...]

Portfolio Committee hearings on Cost to Communicate

2017-11-05T13:28:02+02:00November 5th, 2017|competition, Consumer Affairs, snippets|

[5 November 2017] The DTPS presented on the cost to communicate before the Telecommunications and Postal Services Portfolio Committee on 31 December 2017. A presentation on data pricing trends was also made by Research ICT Africa. DTPS presentation on Cost to Communicate 31 October 2017 Research ICT Africa presentation on Cost to Communicate 31 October 2017 [...]

ICASA and the National Consumer Commission

2017-03-02T16:13:17+02:00July 24th, 2015|Consumer Affairs, ICASA, snippets, Uncategorized|

[13 July 2015] ICASA and the National Consumer Commission (NCC) have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement which sets out which type of consumer complaints each will deal with in future. Memorandum of Agreement entered into between the National Consumer Commission and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (July 2015) In broad terms: the NCC [...]

Consumer Protection Act compliance for ISPs

2012-06-27T07:41:06+02:00June 27th, 2012|Consumer Affairs, miscellaneous, snippets|

The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) applies to ISPs, and if an ISP’s contracts or its processes do not comply with the CPA’s rather onerous provisions, this can have painful consequences. Annoyingly, the CPA will apply to an ISP’s smaller clients, but most of it will not apply to corporate clients. If an ISP wishes to [...]

ICASA Annual Report: Consumer Affairs

2011-11-11T12:23:28+02:00November 11th, 2011|Consumer Affairs, Consumer Protection, ICASA, News|

The following is derived from the ICASA Annual Report for the period ending 31 March 2011 Consumer affairs and complaints ICASA handles the resolution of consumer complaints in the sphere of communication services. The following table details the complaints received in the period ending 31 March 2011 Quality of Service complaints QUALITY OF SERVICE Description [...]

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