audio and audiovisual content policy

2024-01-28T19:52:55+02:00January 24th, 2024|broadcasting / DTT, content regulation, News, snippets|

[24 January 2024] The DCDT is still considering submissions made and has indicated that its plans to finalise the Draft White Paper by the end of March 2024. Presentation on the Draft White Paper on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services and Online Content Safety (December 2023) __ [6 September 2023] The deadline for submissions on [...]

Digital sound broadcasting services

2021-01-22T11:42:32+02:00January 22nd, 2021|broadcasting / DTT, policy, snippets|

[22 January 2021] The public submissions in respect of the draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020 can be found below: African Media Entertainment BlueLemon Broadcom Consumer Advisory Panel DRM Consortium National Association of Broadcasters National Community Radio Forum Primedia Broadcasting Radio Pulpit SABC SADIBA SENTECH Thembeka and Associates TWR Westbury Community Development Centre Trust ___ [...]

Community Broadcasting

2020-08-14T10:01:12+02:00August 14th, 2020|broadcasting / DTT, Open for comment, snippets|

[14 August 2020] ICASA reminds interested communities to respond to the Invitation To Apply (ITA) for pre-registration in respect of applications for Digital Community Television Broadcasting Service Licences and applications for Radio Frequency Spectrum on Multiplex 1 (Mux 1). There will be two phases to the process: Phase 1: Consideration of the applications for pre-registration [...]

Inquiry into competition in subscription television broadcasting services

2019-06-07T14:01:12+02:00June 7th, 2019|broadcasting / DTT, competition, ICASA, snippets|

[7 June 2019] ICASA has extended the deadline for comments on the draft findings in respect of the Inquiry into Subscription Television Broadcasting Services, previously 21 June to 27 August 2019, after acceding to a request by a stakeholder for additional information underpinning the draft findings. Extension Notice ___ [17 April 2019] ICASA has published [...]

Broadcasting: Invitation to Apply for MUX 3 capacity

2018-08-03T16:51:18+02:00August 3rd, 2018|broadcasting / DTT, snippets, Uncategorized|

[3 August 2018] ICASA is inviting applications for the radio frequency spectrum for the purposes of providing a commercial subscription broadcasting service. The successful applicant will be assigned 45% capacity of the third multiplex (MUX3) to provide the service. Invitation to Apply 2018 ICASA Media Release ___ [16 September 2015] ICASA has issued out an Invitation [...]

Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2015

2015-12-07T08:38:21+02:00December 7th, 2015|broadcasting / DTT, legislation, snippets|

[7 December 2015] As introduced into Parliament by the Minister of Communications on 4 December 2015: Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2015 [B39-2015] ___ [15 November 2015] The Department of Communications has published a notice in the Gazette revealing its intention to introduce a Bill during November to amend the Broadcasting Act of 1999. Explanatory Summary Broadcasting Amendment [...]

Review of Regulation on South African Local Content: Television and Radio

2015-09-30T11:01:53+02:00September 30th, 2015|broadcasting / DTT, miscellaneous, snippets|

[30 September 2015] Notice has been given of public hearings to be held regarding the Position Paper and Draft Regulations on South African Local Content: Television and Radio (see lower on for links). The hearings are scheduled for 1 and 2 October 2015. Notice of Public Hearings - Dates and Agenda ICASA Is Convening Public [...]

DoC Broadcasting Policy Review

2017-03-03T12:58:38+02:00December 1st, 2014|broadcasting / DTT, Open for comment, policy, snippets, Uncategorized|

[1 December 2014] The deadline for submissions has been extended to 16 January 2015. Notice on DoC website ___ [13 November 2014]  The Department of Communications has called for written proposals on a new review of existing broadcasting policy. Call for Written Proposals on Broadcasting Policy Review November 2014 Minister's Statement on the Broadcasting Policy [...]

ITA for Individual Commercial Free To Air Television Broadcasting Service Licences

2014-11-24T18:52:56+02:00November 24th, 2014|broadcasting / DTT, Open for comment, snippets|

[24 November 2014] The deadline for responses to the ITA has been extended to 31 March 2015. ___ [3 September 2014] ICASA issued an Invitation to Apply for Individual Commercial Free To Air Television Broadcasting Service Licences under section 8 of the Electronic Communications Act on 28 August 2014. Invitation To Apply for Free to Air Television Broadcasting [...]

Promotion of Diversity and Competition on Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations, 2014

2014-09-03T20:41:11+02:00August 30th, 2014|broadcasting / DTT, snippets|

[30 August 2014] The Promotion of Diversity and Competition on Digital Terrestrial Television Regulations, 2014 came into force on publication in the Government Gazette on 22 August 2014. Promotion of Diversity and Competition on DTT Regulations 2014 The Regulations are intended to promote diversity and competition in digital TV and set out how spectrum will be allocated to [...]

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