[22 January 2021] The public submissions in respect of the draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020 can be found below:
- African Media Entertainment
- BlueLemon
- Broadcom
- Consumer Advisory Panel
- DRM Consortium
- National Association of Broadcasters
- National Community Radio Forum
- Primedia Broadcasting
- Radio Pulpit
- Thembeka and Associates
- Westbury Community Development Centre Trust
[19 January 2021] ICASA will be holding (virtual) public hearings on the draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020 on 20 and 21 January 2021. Members of the public and interested stakeholders are invited to attend, and can request an online link by emailing cnkosi@icasa.org.za. Please see the media statement below for further details:
[15 December 2020] The deadline for public comments on the draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020 has been extended to 8 January 2021.
Draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Services Regulations, 2020 – Extension for comments
[17 November 2020] The draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020 have been published for public comment. Interested parties are invited to provide written comments on the draft regulations for the attention of: Mr. Ndumiso Dana (Project Manager)
per email ndana@icasa.org.za. The deadline for comment is 16:00, 29 December 2020.
Draft Digital Sound Broadcasting Regulations, 2020
[14 July 2020] The Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) has issued a policy direction which gives a green light for ICASA to develop a regulatory framework and issue licences for digital sound broadcasting (“DSB”) services in South Africa.
Policy Direction Digital Sound Broadcasting 10 July 2020
[3 April 2019] ICASA has finalised its inquiry into digital sound broadcasting (“DSB”) services in South Africa.
Findings Document and Position Paper on the use of Digital Sound Broadcasting in South Africa
In short, ICASA supports the introduction of DSB in South Africa and will proceed with setting applicable standards and licensing once the policy directive process (see post below) has been finalised.
[1 October 2018] The Minister of Communications has issued a policy directive on the introduction of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) in South Africa. Interested parties are invited to provide written comments on the directive for the attention of: Mr. Wonder Wonder Dlangamandla (Chief Director: Technology and Engineering Services) per email dsb@doc.gov.za. The policy directive can be found at the following link:
[29 June 2018] ICASA will be holding public hearings wherein the twenty interested parties who responded to the Discussion Document will be making oral representations on 11-13 July 2018, the schedule for which can found at the following link:
Inquiry into Digital Sound Broadcasting: Schedule of public hearings
[19 April 2018] ICASA is launching an inquiry into digital sound broadcasting (“DSB”) services in South Africa. The inquiry will examine the prospects of implementing such services, with particular focus on the manner in which this implementation could improve spectrum efficiency and management.
Interested parties are invited to provide submissions on the Discussion Document on DSB by 16h00, 6 June 2018 for the attention of Mr. Ndumiso Dana / ndana@icasa.org.za.