[26 July 2020] The Minister of Public Works and Administration has gazetted additional Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPS) which include:

  • Strategic Integrated Project No 22: Digital Infrastructure
    Sub-project: a. National Spatial Infrastructure Hub
  • Strategic Integrated Project No 30: Digitising of Government Information Programme
  • Strategic Integrated Project No 35: SA Connect Phase 1B Programme

Designation of Strategic Infrastructure Projects 22 July 2020


[11 July 2014] The President has proclaimed 10 July 2014 as the date on which the Infrastructure Development Act 23 of 2014 came into force.

Proclamation Commencement of the Infrastructure Development Act 23 of 2014


[8 June 2014] The framework for SIP 15 and the other strategic integrated projects has been formalised through the passing of the Infrastructure Development Act 23 of 2014. The Act established the Presidential Infrastructure Co-ordinating Commission (PICC) and its supporting structures and provides for the designation of SIPs and the timelines for completion thereof.

Infrastructure Development Act 23 of 2014


[31 March 2013] Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) 15: Expanding Access to Communication Technology (“SIP 15”) was launched by the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) on 3 December 2012 and effectively represents the actual policy of the Government of South Africa as regards to how it will expand access to communication technology to a far greater percentage of residents. A related document is the Draft Infrastructure Development Bill 2013  which is intended to formalise and facilitate the work of the PICC, which already exists by virtue of a Cabinet decision. The Bill sets out structures for management of projects and support as well as a procedure for declaring Strategic Infrastructure Programs (SIPs). The period for comment on this Bill expired on 27 March 2013. The Minister of Communications will “champion” SIP 15 supported by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). Other members:

  • Department of Public Service and Administration
  • Department of Trade and Industry
  • Sentech
  • Broadband Infraco
  • Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA)

A press release issued by the DST provides further detail:

Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) launch of Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) 15: Expanding Access to Communication Technology

3 Dec 2012 The Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission (PICC) today launched an intergovernmental forum to spearhead the infrastructure projects within Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) 15: Expanding Access to Communication Technology. Led by the Department of Communications and supported by the Department of Public Enterprises and Department of Science and Technology, SIP 15 aims to ensure universal service and access to reliable, affordable and secure broadband services by all South Africans, prioritising rural and under-serviced areas and stimulating economic growth. This includes migration nationally, from analogue to digital television broadcasting by 2015. SIP 15 is part of the PICC, a Presidency-led initiative to co-ordinate infrastructure projects (construction, fast-tracking of current projects and maintenance of existing infrastructure) across all spheres of government and state-owned enterprises. Expanding access to communication technology will be done primarily through broadband infrastructure roll-out. To this end, a national backbone infrastructure will be established which will inter alia include establishing core Points of Presence (POPs) in district municipalities, extending fibre networks across provinces linking districts and, rural and under-served areas. The coordination and integration of communications infrastructure activities within state-owned enterprises, private entities, provinces and local government will be critical in ensuring this is achieved. It is expected that the private sector and state owned enterprises will play a significant role in expanding Access to Communication Technology. Connectivity to rural and under-serviced areas including e-health, e-schools and e-government will be prioritised. By 2013, broadband connectivity will be rolled out in 125 Dinaledi schools, plus 1525 district schools. Other members of the Intergovernmental Forum are:

  • Department of Public Enterprises
  • Department of Science and  Technology
  • Department of Public Service and Administration
  • Department of Trade and Industry
  • Sentech
  • Broadband Infraco
  • Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA)

The Minister of Communications, Ms Dina Pule, as the Champion for SIP 15, will provide to the PICC Management Committee and Council, regular feedback on progress made in carrying out the work of SIP 15.