Review of Universal Service and Access Obligation (USAO) framework

2022-04-03T23:10:39+02:00April 3rd, 2022|News, Open for comment, snippets, universal Access|

[3 April 2022] ICASA has finalised new universal service and access obligations for Sentech SOC Ltd. Sentech USAOs March 2022 __ [13 February 2022] ICASA has approved changes to the universal service and access obligations (“USAOs”) imposed on mobile operator Rain Networks as a consequence of it being awarded high-demand spectrum (specifically 1800MHz spectrum). USAO [...]

Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) & communications

2020-08-23T19:04:20+02:00July 26th, 2020|News, policy, snippets, universal Access|

[26 July 2020] The Minister of Public Works and Administration has gazetted additional Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPS) which include: Strategic Integrated Project No 22: Digital Infrastructure Sub-project: a. National Spatial Infrastructure Hub Strategic Integrated Project No 30: Digitising of Government Information Programme Strategic Integrated Project No 35: SA Connect Phase 1B Programme Designation of Strategic [...]

National Broadband Policy 2013 – South Africa Connect: Creating Opportunities, Ensuring Inclusion

2017-04-24T14:22:53+02:00April 28th, 2014|policy, snippets, universal Access, universal Access|

Updates to this thread on the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services thread [28 April 2014] In a speech delivered to a meeting of SIP 15 on 24 April 2014 - We’re moving on broadband in difficult circumstances – but we need to be faster -  the Minister of Communications provided the following update on its progress [...]

Under-Serviced Areas Definitions Regulations, 2012

2017-03-03T13:56:21+02:00September 16th, 2012|snippets, Uncategorized, universal Access|

These regulations - published under section 88(2) of the ECA on 10 September 2012 (GG 35675) - define the term “Underserviced area” and sets out a list of district/local/ metropolitan municipalities together with percentages for Internet / Computer / Telephone/ Cellphone penetration based on the Stats SA 2007 Household Survey. Presumably these figures will be used [...]

Determination with regard to universal access and universal service

2017-03-03T13:36:33+02:00April 29th, 2011|policy, snippets, universal Access|

The Department of Communications has issued a determination under section 82(3) of the Electronic Communications Act of 2005 (“the ECA”) setting out what is to be regarded as constituting (a) universal access by all areas and communities in South Africa to electronic communications services and electronic communications network services, and (b) universal provision for all [...]

Inquiry into definition of "underserviced" in Cell C licence

2017-03-03T14:00:17+02:00June 13th, 2008|universal Access|

Download the ICASA Inquiry into the Definition of Under-serviced Area in the Cell C Licence (PDF) Note on the ICASA Inquiry into the definition of Under Serviced Area (USA) in the Cell C licence Due: 30 July 2008 This is an Inquiry in terms of section 4B of the ICASA Act which flows directly from [...]

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