Department of Communications / Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services 2014 Strategic Plan

2017-03-03T13:00:09+02:00July 4th, 2014|policy, snippets|

[4 July 2014] A joint meeting of the Portfolio Committees for the Department of Communications (DoC) and the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services (DoTPS) was held on 1 July 2014. Or wasn't, given that the DoTPS does not yet exist. While it is obvious that the confusion caused by the new political institutional arrangement [...]

Electronic Communications Amendment Act 2014

2017-03-02T16:31:33+02:00May 22nd, 2014|legislation, policy, snippets|

[22 May 2014] The Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014 came into force on 21 May 2014. Proclamation of EC Amendment Act 1 of 2014 ___ [15 April 2014] Overview of the Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014 ___ [8 April 2014] The Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014 was assented to by [...]

ICASA Amendment Act 2014

2017-03-02T16:33:40+02:00May 17th, 2014|legislation, policy, snippets, Uncategorized|

[17 May 2014] The ICASA Amendment Act 2 of 2014 commenced on 16 May 2014 in terms of a proclamation signed by the President on 10 May 2014. Commencement of ICASA Amendment Act 2014 ___ [15 April 2014] Overview of the ICASA Amendment Act 2014 ___ [8 April 2014] The ICASA Amendment Act 2 of 2014 [...]

National Broadband Policy 2013 – South Africa Connect: Creating Opportunities, Ensuring Inclusion

2017-04-24T14:22:53+02:00April 28th, 2014|policy, snippets, universal Access, universal Access|

Updates to this thread on the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services thread [28 April 2014] In a speech delivered to a meeting of SIP 15 on 24 April 2014 - We’re moving on broadband in difficult circumstances – but we need to be faster -  the Minister of Communications provided the following update on its progress [...]

National Integrated ICT Policy Green Paper

2017-05-10T11:57:43+02:00April 10th, 2014|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[10 April 2014] The Department of Communications will host roundtable discussions involving all those who made submissions to the Green Paper early in June. This will be by invitation only. [su_table] Roundtable Session Date Time e-Services 02 June 2014 9am – 2pm Infrastructure & Services 03 June 2014 9am – 2pm Content 04 June 2014 [...]

National Broadband Council appointed

2014-04-11T18:56:12+02:00March 5th, 2014|policy, snippets|

[5 March 2014]  The National Broadband  Council (NBC) - intended to advise the Minister of Communications on the implementation of the South Africa Connect National Broadband Policy and Strategy, was launched on 4 March 2014. The following have been appointed to sit on the NBC: Dr. Sibusiso Sibisi (chairperson) Prof. Alison Gillwald (deputy chairperson) Prof. [...]

Timetable for implementation of new policy directives, implementation of Broadband Policy and amendment of the ECA and ICASA Act

2017-03-03T13:24:58+02:00February 15th, 2014|policy, snippets|

[15 February 2014] During a recent presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Communications, the Department of Communications set out the below implementation timetable. This gives a clear indication of the nature of forthcoming policy directions to ICASA. [su_table] Interventions     Time-lines Full implementation of Broadband Policy 2014-2017 Policy directive on Price Transparency July 2014 Consideration for [...]

Draft ICT Policy Review Framework Paper published

2017-03-03T13:26:17+02:00April 25th, 2013|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[29 April 2013] We have prepared a summary / overview of the actual principles / objectives proposed and the questions raised. Overview of Proposed Principles in the ICT Policy Review Framework Paper April 2013 ___ [25 April 2013] In keeping with its Outline for the ICT Policy Review Process, the Minister of Communications has published a [...]

Draft Policy Directions on high demand spectrum and the exploitation of the digital dividend

2017-03-03T13:31:48+02:00August 21st, 2012|frequency, News, policy, snippets|

[31 August 2014] Just a note to confirm that this process was never concluded and should now be regarded as having been abandoned. Updated radio frequency spectrum policy remains outstanding. ___ [1 February 2012] A notice was published in today's Government Gazette extending the period for comment to 29 February 2012. This will no doubt require ICASA [...]

ICT Policy Review

2017-04-24T14:27:03+02:00June 4th, 2012|Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[14 November 2014] ICT Policy Discussion Document published [6 June 2012]: Nominations have opened for persons to sit on an ICT Policy Review Panel which will provide advice to the Minster. A copy of the invitation can be found here. The terms of reference of the Panel are available here. South Africa has commenced another [...]

The Draft Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2012

2017-03-03T13:36:16+02:00November 14th, 2011|News, Open for comment, policy, snippets|

[14 November 2011] The Department of Communications has gazetted a draft amendment to the Electronic Communications Act (ECA) of 2005. The bill aims to make changes to a wide range of items in the ECA. Included in the same notice is a memorandum with the objects and reasoning behind each of the proposed amendments, providing [...]

Determination with regard to universal access and universal service

2017-03-03T13:36:33+02:00April 29th, 2011|policy, snippets, universal Access|

The Department of Communications has issued a determination under section 82(3) of the Electronic Communications Act of 2005 (“the ECA”) setting out what is to be regarded as constituting (a) universal access by all areas and communities in South Africa to electronic communications services and electronic communications network services, and (b) universal provision for all [...]

Budget Vote 2007/08 delivered by the Minister of Communications

2017-03-03T13:37:21+02:00June 13th, 2008|policy|

Budget Vote 2007/08 (PDF) The Minister of Communications, Dr. Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri, delivered what looks to be her penultimate Budget Speech to the National Assembly on 3 June 2008. This note attempts to single out some of the issues at play. Download our Note on the 2008 Department of Communications Budget Speech

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