[22 May 2014] The Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014 came into force on 21 May 2014.

Proclamation of EC Amendment Act 1 of 2014


[15 April 2014Overview of the Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014


[8 April 2014] The Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014 was assented to by the President on 7 April 2014 and has been published for information purposes. The Act will come into operation on a date to be proclaimed by the Minister of Communications in the Government Gazette.

Electronic Communications Amendment Act 1 of 2014


[23 January 2014] The Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2013 and the ICASA Amendment Bill 2013 have now been referred to the the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises subsequent to the finalisation of the debate before the Portfolio Committee for Communications. The Select Committee will undergo the same process that the Communications Committee did and propose amendments if there are any and then the Bill will be referred back to the Communications Committee. If there are no proposed amendments from the Select Committee, then the Bills will be sent to the President for assent.

Hearings are scheduled for Wednesday 29 January and Wednesday 5 February 2014.


[29 September 2013] The Portfolio Committee for Communications has scheduled hearings on the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2013 and the ICASA Amendment Bill 2013 for 1-4 October 2013. The hearings will be held at ICASA’s head office in Katherine Street, Sandton.

Programme for Public Hearings ECA and ICASA 1 October 2013
Programme for Public Hearings ECA and ICASA 2 October 2013
Programme for Public Hearings ECA and ICASA 3 October 2013
Programme for Public Hearings ECA and ICASA 4 October 2013


[15 July 2013] We have prepared an overview of the proposed amendments to the Electronic  Communications Act set out in the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2013 for your convenience and information.

Overview of the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2013 (July 2013).


[13 July 2013] The Electronic Communications Amendment Bill B17-2003 has been formally introduced into Parliament.

Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2013


[18 May 2013] Cabinet announced on 16 May 2013 that it has approved the Electronic Communications Amendment Bill for submission to Parliament.

Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2012