[29 April 2013] We have prepared a summary / overview of the actual principles / objectives proposed and the questions raised.
Overview of Proposed Principles in the ICT Policy Review Framework Paper April 2013
[25 April 2013] In keeping with its Outline for the ICT Policy Review Process, the Minister of Communications has published a draft ICT Policy Review Framework Paper for public comment.
ICT Policy Review Framing Paper (Draft) April 2013
The deadline for comments is 15 June 2013. Comment is also being solicited through social media –
Twitter Hashtag: #ictpolicypanel
Facebook: ICT Policy Review
You Tube: ICT Policy Review
Pinterest: ICT Policy Review
The Foreword to the draft Framing Paper by the Minister of Communications states that its publication is the start of the Department’s engagement with the public and that it will be followed by a Green and White Paper. The purpose of the draft Framing Paper is to examine the fundamental principles and objectives which should underpin future ICT Policy in South Africa.
“The starting point is that our country set itself objectives for the communications sector at the advent of democracy. We need to move forward to assess whether or not this vision is still relevant and in doing so ask, for example: Did the original goals set in the policy and legislation correctly capture the needs that had to be addressed? Are these goals still relevant – given changes in our communities and our country during the past 15 years and considering technological advancements? Which new goals, objectives and principles should underpin a new dispensation?”