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So far dom has created 215 blog entries.

ISPs tell mobile networks to open up | TechCentral

2016-11-07T10:07:53+02:00November 7th, 2016|Uncategorized|

The Internet Service Providers’ Association (Ispa) on Monday called on South Africa’s mobile operators to “embrace the open-access spirit” of government’s national integrated ICT policy white paper by launching “genuine wholesale service offerings”. This, the association said Source: ISPs tell mobile networks to open up | TechCentral

White paper ‘broadly positive’: ISP body | TechCentral

2016-11-02T11:09:01+02:00November 2nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

A body that represents the bulk of South Africa’s Internet service provider community has described government’s national integrated ICT policy white paper as “broadly positive”, but warned against lack of proper implementation. The white paper, which has Source: White paper ‘broadly positive’: ISP body | TechCentral

ICASA notice on individual licence transfers and historically disadvantaged groups

2017-03-03T08:49:24+02:00October 26th, 2016|individual licence applications, snippets, standard terms and conditions|

[26 October 2016] ICASA has published a Notice which effectively deletes regulation 2(1A), reversing the amendment which MTN had taken issue with. Notice repealing Regulation 2(1A) Presumably this represents the end of the MTN application. ___ [25 September 2016] MTN has lodged an application against ICASA seeking the review of an amendment effected to the [...]

Numbering applications

2016-10-19T11:06:28+02:00October 19th, 2016|Numbering, snippets|

[19 October 2016] ICASA have indicated that any applications for numbering submitted in the incorrect format will be rejected; the updated application form can be downloaded at the link below. Ellipsis is able to assist with this process, please contact Sumaiyah Makda (Sam) for further information. Application form ___ [23 October 2014] The documents below are no [...]

State of play: Broadband Infraco

2019-07-29T23:52:21+02:00October 15th, 2016|miscellaneous, snippets|

[15 October 2016] As presented to the Portfolio Committee for Telecommunications and Postal Services on 13 October 2016. Broadband Infraco Annual Report 2015/16 Presentation of Broadband Infraco Annual Report 2015/16 __ [3 October 2015] Presentations made to the Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services indicate that some form of intervention by its shareholders - [...]

Resellers of licensed services

2017-06-26T08:49:09+02:00September 21st, 2016|compliance, licensing, snippets|

[21 September 2016] We have received the following communication from ICASA regarding licence-exempt resellers of electronic communications services: “In line with compliance with the licensing framework and the related regulations, all entities that operate as resellers are required to register with the Authority prior to embarking on the activity. List of currently registered resellers in [...]

Guide to commonly-used licence-exempt frequency bands in South Africa

2016-08-18T08:07:20+02:00August 18th, 2016|frequency, snippets|

[18 August 2016] ICASA has issued out a notice reminding providers of wireless networks of the need to stay within the defined licence-exempt bands. ICASA further refers to an upcoming crackdown on use of non-licence-exempt bands without the appropriate spectrum licence: from our information it looks like a new monitoring network will be launched shortly [...]

New political arrangement: Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services + Department of Communications

2017-05-10T12:04:10+02:00August 12th, 2016|ICASA, policy, snippets|

[12 August 2016] One of the annexures in the court papers filed by the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services against ICASA as regards the Invitation to Apply published by the latter, is the Memorandum of Understanding entered into between the Minister of Communications and the Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services setting out the basis [...]

Ministers row with state firms | IOL

2016-08-05T19:05:22+02:00August 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|

A series of public spats between cabinet ministers, state companies and departments are exposing divisions in the ruling party. Source: Ministers row with state firms | IOL

Evaluation Panel for ICASA Council

2017-03-02T14:24:47+02:00July 19th, 2016|ICASA, Open for comment, snippets|

[18 July 2016] The Minister of Communications has published a call for nominations for members of an "Evaluation Panel for the ICASA Council" to be established under the provisions of the ICASA Act dealing with performance monitoring. Nominations invited: Evaluation panel for ICASA Council The Panel is to consist of 7 members - one of [...]

What more can be done to deliver fibre connectivity across South Africa? – Memeburn

2017-03-02T09:39:48+02:00July 13th, 2016|access|

It seems like we hear news of fibre developments every other week, as the likes of MTN, Vodacom, Vumatel and Telkom announce suburbs and projects. There’s no denying that many projects take place in affluent suburbs, but even living in a well-off suburb isn’t a guarantee of fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) connectivity. What can be done to ensure that fibre [...]

Telecoms structures in proximity to runways

2016-05-18T21:06:36+02:00May 18th, 2016|miscellaneous, snippets|

[18 May 2016] The South African Civil Aviation Authority (“SACAA”) maintain a database of obstacles in proximity to runways, and have a set of guidelines and regulations governing this area. Should a service provider need to erect such a structure there is a relevant application form for the approval of obstacles, which can be completed [...]

Local ISPs voice strong support for net neutrality | TechCentral

2016-04-29T09:54:09+02:00April 29th, 2016|Uncategorized|

The Internet Service Providers' Association (Ispa), the body that represents most of South Africa's ISPs, has again reiterated that it supports the concept of network neutrality. It said in a statement on Friday that there should be no blocking Source: Local ISPs voice strong support for net neutrality | TechCentral

UN report tough on SA govt surveillance | ITWeb

2016-04-04T10:45:41+02:00April 4th, 2016|Uncategorized|

A UN report says government needs to increase the transparency of its surveillance policy and establish independent oversight mechanisms. A new repor.. Source: UN report tough on SA govt surveillance | ITWeb

Inquiry into infrastructure sharing

2016-04-03T16:17:21+02:00March 31st, 2016|competition, snippets|

[31 March 2016] Moving with laudable speed, ICASA has published a Findings Document on the Regulatory Framework on Electronic Communications Infrastructure: Findings Document Regulatory Framework on Electronic Communications Infrastructure The regulator has concluded that infrastructure sharing is already accommodated under the existing Facilities Leasing Regulations 2010, with greater attention to be paid to the enforcement of [...]

Regulation of OTT services / Net Neutrality in South Africa

2017-03-03T12:45:26+02:00March 16th, 2016|policy, snippets|

[16 March 2016] We have obtained a copy of the final report of the Portfolio Committee for Telecommunications and Postal Services on the discussion of possible regulation of OTTs hosted by the Committee on 26 January 2016. 20160308 PCTPS Final Report on OTTs It is noteworthy that the report is more in the form of [...]

Policy direction on effective competition in broadband markets

2017-05-10T15:18:21+02:00March 4th, 2016|snippets|

[4 March 2016] The final policy direction has been published. Policy Direction Broadband Pricing The substance of the policy direction has been distilled to its essence - that ICASA must proceed urgently to use its pro-competitive power under Chapter 10 of the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005 to create a regulatory framework that promotes [...]

Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2015

2015-12-07T08:38:21+02:00December 7th, 2015|broadcasting / DTT, legislation, snippets|

[7 December 2015] As introduced into Parliament by the Minister of Communications on 4 December 2015: Broadcasting Amendment Bill 2015 [B39-2015] ___ [15 November 2015] The Department of Communications has published a notice in the Gazette revealing its intention to introduce a Bill during November to amend the Broadcasting Act of 1999. Explanatory Summary Broadcasting Amendment [...]

Outstanding spectrum licence fees

2015-11-17T07:59:02+02:00November 17th, 2015|frequency, ICASA, snippets|

[17 November 2015] ICASA has published a notice in various newspapers calling on licensees with outstanding annual radio frequency spectrum licence fees to attend to payment as soon as possible. Newspaper Notice Spectrum Debtors 2 October 2015 There are 21 049 entries in the spreadsheet...

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