numbering plan regulations 2016
[21 September 2023] ICASA has published draft amendments to the Numbering Plan Regulations 2016, which amend the prescribed period of inactivity for numbers.
[21 September 2023] ICASA has published draft amendments to the Numbering Plan Regulations 2016, which amend the prescribed period of inactivity for numbers.
2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 [14 November 2022] ICASA has published final regulations amending the Ordering System Specification for Geographic, Non-Geographic and Mobile Number Portability. Second Amendment Ordering System Specification for Geographic, Non-Geographic and Mobile Number Portability, 2022 ___ [3 January 2022] ICASA has published an amended Ordering System Specification for [...]
[19 October 2016] ICASA have indicated that any applications for numbering submitted in the incorrect format will be rejected; the updated application form can be downloaded at the link below. Ellipsis is able to assist with this process, please contact Sumaiyah Makda (Sam) for further information. Application form ___ [23 October 2014] The documents below are no [...]
See further Numbering Plan Regulations 2016. [16 October 2014] ICASA has issued a notice extending the deadline for compliance with those provisions of the Numbering Plan Regulations 2012 relating to the implementation of new frameworks for the implementation of toll-free, premium-rated and machine-related services. Extension for compliance with toll free, premium rated, machine related services requirements [...]
[24 March 2014] A reminder that the number audit submission is due by 31 March 2014. Forms are below. Note that there are still some licensees who did not submit responses last year. ICASA has issued a notice setting out the names of these licensees and indicating they will be taking enforcement steps to ensure [...]
[Update 19 October 2012]: ICASA has finally completed its review process and new regulations and a reasons document were published on 2 October 2012 (effective on publication). Numbering Plan Regulations 2012 Numbering Plan Regulations 2012 Reasons Document ICASA published draft Numbering Plan Regulations in June 2010, marking the formal commencement of the first review of [...]
The Number Portability Company (the NPC) has provided the following direction on how to register and attain accreditation with it for Geographic Number Porting (GNP) by ECNS licensees. How to register and gain accreditation for GNP Stage in the process Notes 1 Provide company documentation to the NPC Registered company name. Company registration and VAT [...]
In order to "promote efficient use of numbers by operators and to eliminate potential misuse of numbers in the distribution channel such as retail stores", ICASA, after due consultation with affected licensees, has decided to introduce a requirement for the provision of numberless or MSISDNless SIM starter packs from 15 May 2009. From this date [...]
ICASA Numbering Plan Regulations (May 2006)
This page is intended as a dedicated resource for regulatory documents relating to Geographic Number Portability (GNP), which was fully implemented in South Africa on 26 April 2010. From this date it became possible to port a single number from one provider to another (previously only blocks of 1 000 or more numbers could be [...]