Amendment of licensing regulations

2023-04-01T16:28:55+02:00April 1st, 2023|class licence registrations and applications, compliance, individual licence applications, individual licence applications, snippets, standard terms and conditions|

| 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | [1 April 2023] Please see below for links to the finalised Individual licensing regulations: Amendment Standard Terms and Conditions Regulations for Individual Licences, 2023 Reasons: Amendment Standard Terms and Conditions Regulations for Individual Licences, 2023 Licensing Processes and Procedures for Individual Licences Amendment [...]

ICASA notice on individual licence transfers and historically disadvantaged groups

2017-03-03T08:49:24+02:00October 26th, 2016|individual licence applications, snippets, standard terms and conditions|

[26 October 2016] ICASA has published a Notice which effectively deletes regulation 2(1A), reversing the amendment which MTN had taken issue with. Notice repealing Regulation 2(1A) Presumably this represents the end of the MTN application. ___ [25 September 2016] MTN has lodged an application against ICASA seeking the review of an amendment effected to the [...]

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