Policy constitutes the context in which legislation and regulation are implemented. Policy competence resides in the hands of the Minister of Communications and ICASA is required to take this into account when drafting regulations under the Electronic Communications Act.
The (new) Department of Communications
[7 September 2019] The Department of Communications updated Parliament on its progress in implementing its Annual Performance Plan on 3 September 2019. DOC - 2019_20 Quarter 1 Performance Report Presentation __ [7 July 2019] The [...]
Electronic Communications Amendment Bill 2018
[13 February 2019] We have been provided with a copy of the letter effecting the withdrawal of the Bill. Letter to Portfolio Committee Chair 12 February 2019 The letter suggests that: the Department has already [...]
The iKamva National e-Skills Institute (iNeSI)
[16 November 2018] The Portfolio Committee on Telecommunications and Postal Services, following a number of deliberations on the Bill has recommended that the redrafted Bill be adopted by the House. The Bill has been amended [...]
SMME development in the ICT sector
[28 May 2018] The ICT SMME Development Strategy is a sector specific intervention to address challenges facing SMMEs operating in the ICT sector. It sets the policy context and defines the vision for the development [...]
National e-Strategy
[11 November 2017] The finalised National e-Strategy Digital Society South Africa has been published in the Government Gazette: National e-Strategy Digital Society South Africa __ [10 April 2017] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services [...]
National e-Government Strategy: Digitizing government services
[10 November 2017] The finalised National e-Government Strategy and Roadmap has been published in the Government Gazette: National e-Government Strategy and Roadmap __ [11 April 2017] The Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services has published [...]