[6 January 2013]ICASA has informed us that it is currently in the process of developing a new system for submitting interconnection and facilities leasing agreements and filing interconnection and facilities leasing disputes with the Authority. The new system will feature a web-based application form. According to ICASA, the business goal of the system is “to take advantage of the Internet and World Wide Web to radically improve the way operators submit and file interconnection and facilities leasing agreements, and disputes”.

ICASA has made Dr. Howard Rybko of Syncrony (Pty) Ltd available to licensees that require assistance with the new system. He will be available by appointment from 7 January 2013.

Contact Noma Makhubu
t +27 11 566 3681
f +27 11 566 3682
email NMakhubu@icasa.org.za