[15 June 2024] ICASA has extended the date for responses to 26 July 2024 while further clarifying its request for information on usage of the 3800 – 4200 MHz and 5925 – 6425 MHZ bands.

Extension Request for information regarding systems operating in the frequency bands 3800 – 4200 MHz and 5925 – 6425 MHz 21 June 2024

Presumably the initial response was underwhelming…


[25 June 2024] In order to establish a regulatory sandbox operating in respect of the 3800 – 4200 MHz and 5925 – 6425 MHz bands to facilitate testing of spectrum sharing approaches, ICASA is requesting details of radio stations operating in these bands.

Request for information regarding systems operating in the frequency bands 3800 – 4200 MHz and 5925 – 6425 MHz

Submissions should be made no later than 16h30 on Friday 03 July 2024 through email (in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and PDF) and marked for the attention of Ms. Pumla Ntshalintshali at PNtshalintshali@icasa.org.za. ICASA has indicated that it will consider data provided in late submissions in the interests of accurate modelling.



[26 March 2024] ICASA has finalised its inquiry with the publication of a findings and position paper.

Findings and Position Paper into the Implementation of Dynamic Spectrum Access and Opportunistic Spectrum Management


[22 May 2023] The deadline for comments on the Discussion Document on Dynamic Spectrum Access and Opportunistic Spectrum Management has been extended from 12 May 2023 to 16h00 on 26 June 2023. Previous submissions may be supplemented or resubmitted as necessary.

Notice of Extension


[10 April 2023] ICASA has published a Discussion Document on Dynamic Spectrum Access and Opportunistic Spectrum Management for public comment.

Discussion document on Dynamic Spectrum Access and Opportunistic Spectrum Management

The focus of this document is on extending dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) management techniques to bands other than those used for broadcasting. Bands between 3100 MHz and 7450 MHz are under consideration. This is a logical extension of the work done by ICASA in enabling use of television white space (TVWS)  spectrum.

The deadline for comments – ICASA has posed specific questions – is 16h00 on 12 May 2023 and these can be emailed to dsa2023@icasa.org.za marked for the attention of Ms Pumla Ntshalintshali.


[1 April 2021] The Regulations on the Use of Television White Spaces, 2018 came into force in 1 April 2021 and ICASA has invited Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) and other potential users to commence commercial use.

Notice to Enforce the Regulations on the use of Television White Spaces 2018

A list of certified providers of Secondary Geo-location Spectrum Database (S-GLSD) services is available at https://whitespaces.csir.co.za/

Ellipsis has been involved with TVWS in South Africa since the hugely successful Cape Town Television White Spaces Trial conducted in 2013 and commends ICASA as well as role-players such as the CSIR, Google, Microsoft and the Wireless Access Providers’ Association (WAPA) for making commercial use a reality in eight years.


[2 March 2021] ICASA has published an invitation to participate in a qualification process to operate as a secondary geo-location service provider through the operation of a Secondary Geo-location Spectrum Database (S-GLSD).

Notice to invite applicants to participate in qualification process to operate a S-GLSD

The invitation does not provide a closing date so presumably an applicant can proceed at any time with the process of self-certification and application for qualification set out in the  Framework to Qualify to Operate a Secondary TVWS Database Regulations 2020.

Responses and queries can be addressed to Ms Pumla Ntshalintshali, per e-mail: sglsdtvwhitespaces@icasa.org.za.

The Regulations on Use of TVWS 2018 come into force on 1 April 2021.


[18 August 2020] ICASA has published a notice advising that the Regulations on the Use of Television White Spaces, 2018 (“the Regulations”), published on 23 March 2018 will come into force on 1 April 2021.

Notice regarding the commencement date of the regulations on the use of television white spaces 2018


[20 July 2020] The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has put together a useful infographic related to the use television white spaces (TVWS) in South Africa:

Infographic: Solving broadband access for SA with TV white spaces [source]


[8 June 2020] With the publication on 5 June 2020 of the Framework to Qualify to Operate a Secondary Geo-Location Spectrum Database Regulations, 2020, ICASA has effectively completed the regulatory framework governing the use of television white spaces (TVWS) in South Africa.

Framework to Qualify to Operate a Secondary TVWS Database Regulations 2020

The Regulations came into force on 5 June 2020.


[22 February 2020] A notice has been published requesting commentary on a framework governing applications to ICASA to operate a secondary geolocation spectrum database which will enable the use of television white spaces in South Africa. ICASA itself will host and maintain the primary database showing where “white spaces” can be accessed nationally, with secondary database operators using this to offer services to commercial operators.

Notice inviting Comments regarding the Draft Framework to Qualify to Operate a Secondary Geo-Location Spectrum Database

The closing date for submissions is 16h00 on 3 March 2020 and these can be sent to Ms Pumla Ntshalintshali per email pntshalintshali@icasa.org.za.


[9 October 2018] ICASA has issued a tender invitation to higher learning and research institutions to submit proposals on the development, implementation, hosting and management of the Reference Geo-Location Spectrum Database (R-GLSD) at the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa to enable the implementation of the Television White Spaces Regulations. Closing date is 23 October 2018.

Bid Document: Geo-Location Spectrum Database

Geo-Location Spectrum Database (Ann A)


[23 March 2018] ICASA has published final regulations relating to the use of television white spaces in South Africa.

Regulations on Use of TVWS 23 March 2018

The regulations will come into force on a future date to be proclaimed. This is to allow ICASA to proceed with implementing the geolocation database infrastructure required.


[20 April 2017] We have put together an overview and update document pertaining to Dynamic Spectrum Assignment and Television White Spaces in South Africa, which can be found at the link below.

Status update on the use of Dynamic Spectrum Assignment and Television White Spaces in South Africa


[10 April 2017] ICASA has moved this process forward through the publication of a Position Paper and a set of draft regulations to govern use of television white spaces (TVWS).

Draft Regulations on the use of Television White Spaces

Position Paper on Dynamic and Opportunistic Spectrum Management

Submissions are due by 16H00 on 19 May 2017 and should be submitted to Mr Manyaapelo Richard Makgotlho, per e-mail: rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za.


[28 October 2016] There is hope for some renewed impetus in the regulatory process around dynamic spectrum access in South Africa.

The new spectrum policy forming part of the National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper offers some support for dynamic spectrum access:

Dynamic spectrum access, which is in its early stages of development, is an advanced and opportunistic approach to spectrum management that is closely related to other management techniques such as flexible spectrum management and spectrum trading. According to the World Bank and ITU, it involves utilising spectrum “in terms of time slots and/or geographically. This allows users to access a particular piece of spectrum for a defined time-period or in a defined area which they cannot exceed without re-applying for the resource”. Dynamic spectrum access is allowed on condition that it is within the guidelines provided by the regulator.

It has also been announced that the 2017 Global Summit on Dynamic Spectrum Allocation (DSA) will take place in Cape Town from 9-11 May 2017, and ICASA has agreed to co-host the event with the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance.


[17 June 2016] ICASA have published their findings in respect of the inquiry into dynamic and opportunistic spectrum management.

Findings Document Framework for Dynamic and Opportunistic Spectrum Management

There are, however, very few conclusive findings and the way forward as set out is not particularly convincing:


7.1 The Authority noted all stakeholder inputs and were all considered in this findings document.

7.2 The Authority will consider all these findings in taking positions on the two key proposals that were the subject of the discussion document.

7.3 In parallel to developing the required positions, the Authority will support further studies on these topics identified in the discussion document as well as the additional topics proposed by the respondents.


[25 February 2016] We have obtained copies of the submissions made in respect of this process.

Broadband Infraco

Cell C

Dynamic Spectrum Alliance



Indigo Broadband


Internet Solutions



Morai Telecoms



Orbicom and MNET







[18 December 2015] The deadline for submissions has been extended to 22 January 2016.


[19 October 2015] ICASA has published a long-awaited Discussion Paper on the Draft Framework for Dynamic and Opportunistic Spectrum Management for comment.

Discussion Paper on the Draft Framework for Dynamic and Opportunistic Spectrum Management 2015

The Authority Issues a Discussion Document On Dynamic and Opportunistic Spectrum Management

Submissions are due by 16h00 on 18 December 2015. These should be marked for the attention of Mr Manyaapelo Richard Makgotlho (rmakgotlho@icasa.org.za).