[19 July 2014] ICASA has released the second and final International Telecommunications Union (“ITU”) questionnaire for 2014. All licensees are required to fill in the questionnaire and return it to ICASA by no later than 8 September 2014. These statistics are used to meet South Africa’s reporting obligations to the ITU and to compile an up-to-date “Status of the ICT Sector” report.

ICT_Indicators_Questionnaire 14_July 2014

Guideline for completing Questionnaire on ICT Indicators updated July 2014

ITU ICT Indicator Definitions and Standards 

Submissions in excel format should be sent to ictindicators@icasa.org.za. Queries can be mailed to cmhlanga@icasa.org.za / Lpholosi@icasa.org.za.


[22 February 2014] ICASA has made the following information request to licensees:

“ICASA recently received the attached short questionnaire from the ITU. The ITU requires the responses to the questionnaire by 16 March 2014. The ITU will publish data (consolidated) collected from this questionnaire in the June 2014 release of the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database. The data will also be used to calculate the ICT Development Index to be prepared between June and July 2014.

Kindly provide the required information to ICASA by 5 March 2014. The data required is for end December 2013. The questionnaire is in PDF, however, you can provide the responses in excel format. Copy of this questionnaire is available at http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/datacollection/ITU_SQ_2014.pdf

The required information amounts to contact details + aggregated numbers for

– fixed telephone subscriptions

– mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions

– wireless broadband subscriptions

– active mobile broadband subscriptions

– fixed (wired) broadband subscriptions

– International Internet bandwidth, in Mbit/s


Submit to:

Selelo E. Ramohlola

Markets Analysis Manager:  Markets and Competition
