Type Approval / Equipment Authorisation

2023-09-10T14:55:14+02:00September 10th, 2023|Open for comment, snippets, Type Approval & Labelling|

[10 September 2023] ICASA will host a workshop on its Designated Certification Bodies (DCB) Programme at its head office in Midrand from 10h00-14h00 on 26 September 2023. ICASA Invitation to workshop in relation to Equipment Authorisation Certification Process The ICASA DCB Programme outlines the requirements needed for a certification body to become a designated certification [...]

Official list of Regulated Standards for Technical Equipment and Electronic Communications Facilities

2021-08-01T15:13:52+02:00March 24th, 2020|snippets, Type Approval & Labelling|

[24 March 2020] ICASA have finalised this process, publishing amendments to the official list. Official list of Regulated Standards for Technical Equipment and Electronic Communications Facilities Amendment Regulations 2020 __ [23 November 2018] ICASA has published proposed amendments to its official list of regulated standards for technical equipment and electronic communications facilities for comment. Notice [...]

Type approval: confiscated equipment

2018-09-04T09:20:07+02:00September 4th, 2018|snippets, Type Approval & Labelling|

[4 September 2018] ICASA has given notice that all equipment confiscated by ICASA inspectors in the period 2000 - June 2018, and that cannot be type approved as envisaged by section 35 of the ECA, will be disposed of. Any party who has had equipment confiscated is being provided the opportunity to motivate for why [...]

Line Maintenance Organisation (LMO) licensing no longer required

2013-09-04T22:24:58+02:00September 4th, 2013|licensing, News, snippets, Type Approval & Labelling|

[27 August 2013] Suppliers and installers of PABXs and other terminating equipment should note that the requirement to apply for and maintain an LMO licence is no longer in force. ICASA has advised in the "Reasons Document in Respect of Type Approval Regulations, 2013 and Labelling Regulations, 2013",  that with the repeal of the Enactment [...]

Labeling Regulations 2013

2013-09-14T14:44:03+02:00August 27th, 2013|snippets, Type Approval & Labelling|

[27 August 2013] ICASA has finalised this process with the publication of a new set of regulations, which came into force on 26 August 2013. Labelling Regulations, 2013   [22 April 2013] As an accompaniment to the process to develop new Type Approval Regulations ICASA is also revising the regulations which govern the labeling of [...]

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