Legal and the Complaints and Compliance Committee (CCC)

Legal and the Complaints and Compliance Committee (CCC) provide support to ICASA in a host of litigation matters, the drafting and review of ICASA regulations and other regulatory documents, as well as providing legal advice and support to the various departments within ICASA.

Litigation Matters

The following litigation matters were pending as at March 2011:

Deukom v ICASA

Applicant   instituted   review   proceedings   against   ICASA’s decision to refuse it a subscription broadcasting licence.  The matter has been pending due to the fact that Deukom have not filed their Affidavit despite ICASA Attorneys having engaged them on numerous occasions.

Progress to date: Set down for week of 4 October 2011, South Gauteng High Court.

Islamic Unity Convention v ICASA

Islamic Unity Convention (IUC) is applying at court for an order setting  aside  a  decision  by  the  broadcasting  Monitoring  and Complaints  Committee  (BMCC)  and  subsequently  ICASA  and to interdict ICASA and CCC from investigating and adjudicating Jewish board of Deputies (SAJBOD’s) complaint against them.

June 1998 – Jewish board of Deputies (SAJBOD) lodged a  complaint  against  IUC  broadcasting  as  Radio  786, several applications followed which ended up ultimately at  the  Constitutional  Court,  who  held  that  the  BMCC must adjudicate the matter;

13 – 17 March 2006 – scheduled hearings by BMCC;

6 March 2006 – urgent application by IUC heard by the Witwatersrand Local Division of the High Court for an interdict to have the hearings scheduled for 13 – 17 March postponed (this application was dismissed with costs on 9 March 2006); Subsequently IUC filed an application for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court;

The BMCC hearing proceeded as scheduled and IUC walked out of the hearing. The BMCC then on 12 May 2006 made known their decision that they found IUC guilty of the allegations against them by SAJBOD;

IUC launched an application against the decision of the BMCC in the Cape of Good Hope Division of the High Court on 14 January 2007; and

This matter was set down for trial on 9 and 10 May 2011.

Progress to date:  Set down for hearing on 9 and 10 May 2011 in Cape Town High Court.


NAFCOC instituted review proceedings against ICASA following the promulgation of the DTT Regulations. The matter has been pending for some time because NAFCOC has not filed their Supplementary Affidavit as required by the Court rules.

Progress to date:  The parties are engaging in settlement negotiations regarding the way forward in this matter.

Telkom v ICASA

This is a review application in terms whereof Telkom seeks to review and set aside the publication of the licence fees regulations in Government Gazette 32084 of 1 April 2009. Telkom have not filed their Replying Affidavit despite ICASA Attorneys having engaged them on numerous occasions.

Progress to date: The parties are engaging in settlement negotiations.

 Pending CCC Matters

Parties in Dispute

Nature of Dispute


Phuthuma Networks v Telkom

Phuthuma Networks (Pty) Ltd filed a complaint and alleged that Network Telex is not in possession of either an ECS or an ECNS licence to provide the Maritime services, telegram services, supply of Customer Premises Equipment on behalf of Telkom SA.

The matter will be heard on 28 and 29 March 2011

Platitel v Dira Ka Thata

On 25 August 2010 Platitel (Pty) Limited lodged a complaint to the effect that Dira Ka Thata Computers (Pty) Limited (DKT)’s traffic terminated on DKT from Platitel was artificially generated traffic.

The matter was heard by CCC on 7 December 2010. The CCC ordered that ICASA appoints inspectors to carry out an investigation whether indeed the traffic from DKT was artificially generated. Postponed indefinitely.

Mogafe v Vodacom

The matter was brought before the CCC for failure on the part of the licensee to submit audited financial statements as requested by ICASA.

The matter was heard on 6 December 2010 and was further heard on 10-16 March 2011.

Postponed to 6–10 June 2011


Unlabelled electronic communications equipment was provided by Yodata Electronics (Pty) Ltd to Massmart from where it was seized by ICASA inspectors in December 2008.

The matter will be heard on 15-16 April 2011.


On 24 January 2011 the South Gauteng High Court ruled that the CCC reconsider the complaint lodged by FXI against the SABC for allegedly blacklisting certain

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Vertel Investments (Pty) Ltd

Various allegations against Vertel
Investments for contravening sections 31;32;35 of the ECA.

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Brians Electrical Contractors

Various allegations against Brians
Electrical for contravening sections 31;32;35 of the ECA

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Radio Trunk

Various allegations against Radio Trunk for contravening sections 31;32;35 of the ECA

Awaiting allocation of a date


Various allegations against ADT for
contravening sections 31;32;35 of the ECA

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Imbokodo Community Radio

The ICASA Council sanctioned Imbokodo in January 2010 to pay R42 000 by July 2010.
The licensee has failed to comply with the sanction and new charges have been levelled for failure to pay the fine.

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Electro Instruments Mining

Various allegations against Electro
Instruments Mining (PTY) Ltd for contravening Section 7 of the ECA and other applicable regulations.

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Nkqubela Community Radio

The ICASA Council sanctioned Nkqubela Community Radio in January 2010 to pay R12 000 by July 2010. Compliance Unit has filed a charge sheet with CCC to adjudicate the matter on the basis that to date the licensee has
failed to pay the fine as sanctioned by the Authority.

Awaiting allocation of a date

ICASA v Mosupatsela Community Radio

The Licensing and Compliance Division of ICASA has filed charges against Mosupatsela Community Radio for failure to hold an AGM
as stipulated in the licensee’s terms and conditions.

Awaiting allocation of a date