National Radio Frequency Plan
In essence this document – compiled by ICASA and approved by the Minister of Communications – shows the full range of spectrum bands and the uses to which they may be put in South Africa. Defining what can be done under what conditions is referred to as an allocation of frequency and the body of the document is a Table of Frequency Allocations.
[Note that when a frequency licenses is awarded to someone that is referred to as an assignment of frequency.]
The National Radio Frequency Plan (NRFP) takes it lead from the work of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as well as efforts within Africa and the SADC region to harmonise spectrum usage.
National Radio Frequency Plan 2018 (full document)
As published by ICASA on 25 May 2018 and chopped into manageable bits by ellipsis.
National Radio Frequency Plan 2013 (full document)
As published by ICASA on 28 June 2013 and chopped into manageable bits by ellipsis.
Table of Frequency Allocations 0 – 30MHz
Table of Frequency Allocations 30 – 390MHz
Table of Frequency Allocations 390 – 890MHz
Table of Frequency Allocations 890 – 4800MHz
Table of Frequency Allocations 4800MHz – 22GHz
Table of Frequency Allocations 22 – 1000GHz
As published by ICASA on 30 July 2010 and chopped into manageable bits by ellipsis.