Frequency License Exemptions
Regulations regarding radio frequency spectrum licence exemptions were incorporated into the main body of the Radio Regulations 2011 effective 1 April 2011.
Part III of the Radio Regulations deals with Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions and the list of radio apparatus and related radio frequency spectrum for which a Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence is not required under section 31(6) of the Act is set out in Annexure B.
Users of radio apparatus and related radio frequency spectrum that is licence exempt are required to comply with the relevant operational rules that are stated in Annexure B to the Regulations.
Annexure B – Apparatus exempt from Radio Frequency Spectrum Licenses
Related documents:
Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions Regulations 2008 (as amended)
Into force: 29 July 2008
Related documents:
Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions Regulations 2008 (original, July 2008)
Notice of Amendment: Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions Regulations (8 August 2008)
Regulations in respect of use or possession of certain radio apparatus without a radio frequency spectrum licence, certificate, authority or permit (March 2004) – previous regulations passed under the Telecommunications Act and repealed by the Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions Regulations 2008.
5.8 GHz ISM
ICASA’s decision on the use of the 5725–5850MHz band (2 December 2009)
ICASA Inquiry into the use of the 5725-5875Mhz Band (March 2006)
The Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence Exemptions Regulations 2008 have not yet been amended to reflect the change in power output levels to the 5.8 GHz ISM band and the two documents should therefore be read together.